Friday, May 3, 2013

This Week in Architecture: Episode IX

Welcome back to another episode of "This Week in Architecture" -- Finals week is over, final review week is past and done, grades are in, and we can all finally relax a little bit. With graduation in a week and grad school at the University of Oregon on the horizon, the summer holds a great opportunity to go back and chronicle my work, practice some new programs, and polish some of my preexisting work. I also plan on finishing this blog and making sure all the links work and all the articles are written! So that's coming in the future. Anyways, we're getting off topic. On to today's episode.

Parking is Hell

At Clemson University, parking has always been on the discussion block. There isn't really enough of it, but no one wants to bring a parking garage into the picture for fear of soiling the natural beauty around campus. Personally, I think it would help a whole lot, and that regardless of where and how you put parking, a giant amount of asphalt will be there anyway.

Parking in cities brings in a whole slew of new challenges; especially spatially, and that's what this article deals with. People don't like parking garages -- they are dimly lit, they have low ceilings, tight corners, and narrow spots. Not exactly ideal for a country that loves their big cars, pickup trucks and SUV's. But what if the parking garages were integrated into the city fabric, with shops and entertainment and more? Check out the article in full to read more about the challenges of transportation in the urban fabric.

Architecture As We Know It Is Over

The advent of technology has brought a great many advantages to the field of architecture. However, the combination of technology, an abundance of online information and the recession have changed things permanently. According to the author of the article, these "irreparable changes" could yield great results in the future, if you know how to handle and adapt to these changes. This is definitely worth a read, even though it's not really a project per say. Check out the full article here.

Slaughterhouse to University Campus

Having visited the Matadero in Madrid, a repurposed slaughterhouse itself, this project sparked a particular interest for me. While the thought of using a slaughterhouse as repurposed educational space might be relatively creepy for some, I think that they really do have a great potential for educational use. The wide open rooms and open ceilings are great for studio spaces in architecture, and the preexisting forms might inspire some students too. The columns, open lights and heavy framework holds a sort of industrial feeling, which always creates an interesting influence on the space too. For detailed drawings and more pictures, check out the full article here.

Health Sciences Education Building

To be perfectly honest, I never would have thought of Phoenix as a location to produce progressive building forms that mesh perfectly with outdoor and indoor spaces around the building. The end result is a cohesive project that is not only easy on the eyes, but more than adequately functional. On the Phoenix Biomedical Campus (a collaborative satellite effort between University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University) the new HSEB (Health Sciences Education Building) is a six story facility with everything from administrative offices, learning studios and laboratories.

Everything about this project looks awesome -- the exterior perspectives, the plans themselves, and even the stairs inside. Give this one a look; check out the full article here.

Well that's it for this week. Remember to tune in next Friday for another episode! Keep your eyes out for changes and updates along the way as summer kicks off in full swing. I will of course let you know as things are updated and completed!


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