Saturday, February 9, 2013

This Week in Architecture: Episode III

This week I didn't spend nearly as much time browsing the far reaches of the Internet for architectural feats of excellence, but I do, of course, as per the norm, have a few interesting things to check out.

Casa Atrevida
First up, from Costa Rica, a home that is both flood resistant and earthquake resistant. Natural disasters are one of those heartbreaking things that can take our architectural masterpieces and turn them into rubble (not to mention all the people hurt and killed in the process). Whether it's a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, tsunami, or something else, it's very clear that structures need to be able to stand up to these to some degree. Now, if you're like me, when you think earthquakes you think California or Japan; and yet here we are talking about Costa Rica.

Regardless, the home, designed by Luz de Piedra Arquitectos, tackles both disasters with ease. The next shocking thing is that it's built out of wood. Who would have thought? It should also be noted that this structure is absolutely gorgeous, and the locally grown wood used for construction certainly adds to that.

Check out the full story here.

Clifton View 7 House

Sticking with the residential theme, we now move to Cape Town, South Africa, where a double-level apartment is stripped to become a single four-bedroom home by Antoni Associates Architects. While many might have a negative connotation of South Africa (mostly thanks to the slew of horrific stories radiating from Johannesburg), this home is built in what looks like a paradise, given the pictures. Pictures Malibu, California -- and maybe even better.

Repurposing seems to be a very popular thing lately; with the housing market the way it is and the economy still on the rebound, it's a lot easier (not to mention way cheaper) for businesses and individuals alike to renovate and repurpose existing spaces rather than build new ones. With breathtaking views off the multiple terraces, long sweeping design lines, and of course, an abundance of glass to preserve the views, the Clifton View 7 House is a beautiful and functional piece.

Check out the full story here.

Thanks for tuning in this week, and hope to see you back again for next week's episode! (which I promise will actually be on time). Enjoy the weekend!


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